Julian Rentzsch
Curriculum Vitae
Born August 1, 1975 in Mainz (Germany)
Full name: Julian David Johannes Rentzsch
1981–1994 Primary and secondary school in Mainz
1994–2002 Studies at the universities of Bonn, Frankfurt and Mainz
2002 Master of Arts (Indology, Linguistics, Turcology) in Mainz
2005 Doctorate (Turcology) in Mainz; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lars Johanson
2004–2009 Lecturer (“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) for Turcology at the Department of Oriental Studies of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
February–June 2009 Guest teacher for Turkic languages at Uppsala University (Sweden)
July 2009–June 2012 Humboldt research fellow at the Department of Altaic Studies of the University of Szeged (Hungary); Host: Prof. Dr. András Róna-Tas
July 2012–December 2015 Lecturer for Turcology at the Department of Oriental Studies of the University of Mainz
July 2014 Habilitation in Turcology, University of Mainz
January–March 2016 Research fellow (Humboldt Alumni Programme) at the Department of Altaic Studies of the University of Szeged (Hungary); Host: Prof. Dr. András Róna-Tas
April 2016–March 2017 DFG Research Fellow at the Faculty of Applied Foreign Languages, FON University Skopje (Macedonia); Host: Prof. Dr. Liljana Mitkovska
April 2017 Professor of Turkic linguistics (self-replacement cum spe) Institute of Slavic, Turkic and Circum-Baltic Studies, University of Mainz
July 2017 Appointment as full professor
May–July 2022 Visiting researcher at the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje; Host: Prof. Dr. Oktay Ahmed
Fields of research:
Comparative linguistic Turcology, typology, historical linguistics, semantics, morphology, syntax, Balkan Turkish, Central Asian Turkic languages, Turkish literature
Teaching profile:
Linguistic Turcology, Turkish grammar, Turkish literature, Ottoman Turkish, various Turkic languages (e.g. Uyghur, Uzbek, Kazakh, Chaghatay, Old Turkic)
Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT)
Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO)
Deutsch-Mongolische Gesellschaft (DeMoGe)
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG)
I have been teaching more than a hundred courses on the undergraduate and graduate level. For a full list, please download my
curriculum vitae as PDF.
For a full list of my publications, see